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Family Man

These words aren't easy to put on the page,
but 'family man' persists upon my mind.
The green, carefree boy, now has come of age,
and must within and out, resources find.

To earn a fair wage, to support a wife,
and find time for sweet ways he began,
in days of dating, continue on through life,
already a challenge for any man.

To add to the mix, their love brings to life,
a boy or a girl, or perhaps, a brood.
More mouths to feed, and still, the precious wife,
who needs to feel beloved to feel good.

The Father in Heaven, all-knowing, knew the best,
Help would be there, as He, only can.,
for the boy who grew, if he holds to the rest,
strong, loving husband and a family man.

©11/25/2012 Carol Welch

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